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Sancte Thomas de Aquino 




Grant to me, merciful God,

to desire most intensely

the things that are pleasing to you,

to search into them prudently,

to come to know them truly,

and to fulfill them perfectly

to the praise and the glory of your name.


Order, my life, O my God,

to that which you would have me do;

and grant that I may accomplish all

as you would have it,

for the salvation of my soul.


Grant, O Lord my God,

in times of prosperity and of adversity,

my feet not to falter,

my heart not to exalt in one,

nor to be downcast by the other.

May nothing prompt in me joy or grief

save those things which to you lead

or from you take me away.

May I desire not to please

nor fear to displease anyone but you.


Make vile to my eyes, O Lord,

all passing things,

and all things eternal

make dear to me.

Make despondent all joys

that are not in you,

and let me not desire

those things which are not of you.

Let me find joy, O Lord, in your work,

and all rest wearisome,

which does not with you repose.


Grant me, my God,

a heart to you alone disposed,

grieving always for my failings,

firm in purpose to amend.




Make me, O Lord my God,

docile, without resistance;

poor, without desolation;

chaste, without blemish;

forbearing, without grievance;

humble, without affectation;

jovial, without abandon;

mature, without being disdainful;

agile-minded, without being rash;

fearful of you, but never despairing;

truthful, without guile;

conscientious in the cause of good,

without presumptuousness;

ready to admonish my neighbour,

but never with haughtiness,

and to strengthen him by word and deed,

without hypocrisy.


Grant to me, Lord God,

a watchful heart,

which no vain thoughts

may lure away from you;

a noble heart,

which no unworthy desires

may debase;

an upright heart,

which no perverse intentions

may divert;

a stalwart heart,

which no tribulation

may overcome;

a free heart,

which no raging passion

may enslave.


Bestow upon me, O Lord my God,

such understanding as to know you;

diligence in my search for you;

wisdom upon finding you;

discourse ever pleasing to you;

patient fidelity as I await you;

and confidence in finally embracing you.


Grant that with your suffering

I may be burdened in reparation here;

that your gifts, by your grace,

I may use along the way;

that your joys may be my delight

in the kingdom of your glory:

who live and reign, God, forever and ever.


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